Medical Education Unit
Medical education unit (MEU) of Assam Medical College was constituted in 2011. Initially the MEU was involved in looking after the curricular activities of both undergraduate and post graduate students. Subsequently Curriculum Committee was constituted in July, 2015 along with MEU as per guidelines of Medical Council of India for implementation of new curriculum, Attitudes and Communications skills (AETCOM modules) and Competency Based Medical Education (CBME module) as per instructions of Nodal Center of (Erstwhile) Medical Council of India (MCI), Christian Medical College, Ludhiana.
Objectives and function of the MEU:-
(MEU) Medical Education Unit, Assam Medical College, Hospital, Dibrugarh is a unit aims towards providing quality education and also to serve society by providing better health care facilities to each and every patients of the nation by producing competent medical personnel.
MEU, AMC, Dibrugarh oversees imparting quality educational and co-curricular activities of under graduate and postgraduate students of the college.
It keeps abreast of all newer educational technologies.
Provides platform for networking of faculties in the region.
It sensitize teachers about new concepts in Medical Education Technologies and assessment methods by conducting CME and workshops.
Develop knowledge and clinical skills required for performing the role of competent and effective teacher, administrator, researcher and mentors.
Assist Clinicians to acquire competency in communication and behavioral skills.
Update knowledge using modern information and research methodology tools
MEU, AMC holds seminars, conferences and continuing professional development for teachers and supports innovations and educational research.
The Medical Education Unit (MEU) has been actively functioning since its inception. It reconstitutes the Committee by introducing faculty trained in Medical Education Technology, revamping the MEU by further dividing the sections and assigning various responsibilities to faculty at all levels.
Formation of the Curriculum committee and the decision to introduce Professionalism, Ethics, Medical humanities, History of Medicine, Attitude and Communication formally into the curriculum.
Academic audit has been started to ensure regular classes and to check the quality of education imparted.
Conducted Sensitization and orientation programme in various departments of AMC, Dibrugarh.
The students and artistes of the College have been encouraged to create work of Art for the amphitheatre and the college corridors.
Plantation and cleanliness drive of the campus taken from time to time.
Integrated classes for undergraduate and post graduate students were organized where lecturers from outside the institution delivered lecture.
Foundation course has been introduced for the 1st year MBBS undergraduate students for the first time as per the MCI guidelines.
Various sports program also organized as a part of the medical education.
Gradually faculties of Assam Medical College got training in revised basic course workshop (RBCW) from CMC Ludhiana. Faculties who were trained in RBCW from CMC Ludhiana were Dr Sanjeeb Kakati, Dr H.K. Dutta, Dr Jishan Ahmed, Dr Reema Nath, Dr Anuradha Baruah, Dr Lahori Saikia, Dr M.S. Chaliha and Dr R.C. Brahma.
Faculty development program RBCW was conducted by the MEU of AMC under the aegis of Nodal Center CMC Ludhiana from 6-8 June, 2018 where thirty (30) faculties were trained, Dr Pramod Goyal from Punjab was the MCI observer. Subsequently Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP) was organized on 9-11 March 2019 for thirty (30) faculties of Assam Medical College with Dr Manab Narayan Baruah acting as MCI observer.
MEU of AMC also took initiative in smooth conduction of Foundation course for the newly admitted first year MBBS students in the month of July-August 2019 for 175 hours in line with new curriculum CBME advocated by the MCI.
Sensitization program on mentorship for the faculties of AMCH was organized in Association with Regional Center, MCI, JMCH on 15th November, 2019. MEU also conducted CME cum workshop in collaboration with Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Heath Sciences (SSUHS) in Oil Lecture Hall AMC on 13-14 March, 2020 on “ An approach to Research and how to write publish Scientific Paper” in which Prof Dipika Deka, Vice Chancellor SSUHS was chief guest and Prof Peush Sahni from AIIMS , New Delhi also took part as resource faculty.
Thereafter six (6) faculties from Assam Medical College who are members of various sub- committees have been trained in online CISP-2 conducted by the Regional Center MCI, JMC in the month of July-August 2020. Subsequently onsite CISP-2 was conducted by MEU for 30 faculties of Assam Medical College on 15-16 September, 2020.
In the interim period 2018-19, four of our resource faculties of MEU, AMCH completed advance course in medical education (ACME) from CMC Ludhiana and submitted innovative education project as a part of ACME:-
1. Dr Hemonta Kr.Dutta (ACME 2018A) submitted project titled “ Pediatric Surgery in Undergraduate Curriculum: A survey”,
2. Dr Rumi Deori (ACME 2018B) Topic of project: “ Crowdsourcing to improve Teaching-Learning in Biochemistry”
3. Dr Anju L Saikia (ACME 2018B), Topic of project: “Adopting reflective teaching concepts in Pharmacology by way of interactive teaching” and
4. Dr Rocket Chandra Brahma (ACME 2019A), Topic of project: “ Introduction of flipped classroom methods for students of surgery”.
Composition of Medical Education Unit, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh.
1. The first meeting of the Medical Education Unit of 2011 was held in Principal’s Chamber on 17-02-2011.
Topics for Integrated Classes for PG students was discussed and Principal requested the HOD’s to send their topics to the office.
A decision was taken to hold weekly seminars in different departments for Under Graduate students. Case discussions, journal club will also be included in such meetings.
Secretary of the Science Society was requested to held monthly academic activity in the form of guest lecture, symposium & workshop.
2. Prof. Sarat Ch. Gohain Memorial Best Thesis Competition was held on 15-03-2011.
3. Principal Prof. P. Baruwa wrote a letter to the MCI requesting for Medical Teachers Capacity Building in Educational Establishment level -3/level-2 on 20th April, 2011. Accordingly the MCI sent a communication in this regard (letter No. MCI-Academic /2011/37682, dtd. 29-09-11)
4. A guest lecturer on ‘Research Methodology’ has been organized on 05-03-2011 delivered by Dr. Dennis Xavier, Prof. & Head of Pharmacology Department, St. John’s College, Bangalore.
5. 2nd meeting of the Medical Education Unit was held on 12-03-2011. The topics of Integrated Class for the months of April & May was finalized. Topics covered Biostatistics, Data Analysis, Genetic disorders, Prenatal diagnosis & counseling, Drug resistance, legal aspect of Medicine, Guidelines on Surgical interventional safety, Pre-operative evaluation & Pain management in terminally ill patients.
6. A workshop was held on ‘Care Support and Treatment of HIV/AIDS patients’ on 29th & 30th March, 2011. 40 members of faculty participated in the workshop.
7. 3rd meeting of the Education Unit was held on 11-05-2011. Topics for integrated classes for June, July were finalized. Topics covering all disciplines were included for the benefit of PG students.
8. A workshop on pain management was held on 18th & 19th June 2011.
9. A CME on Medical genetics was organized on 28-07-2011. The following Resource persons were present –
Dr. Giriraj Kusre organized the CME on behalf of the Science society. A total of 60 faculty members and 130 PG students participated.
Dr. Subha Phadke, Prof. & Head, Medical Genetics, SGPGI, Lucknow
Dr. Madhulika Kabra, Prof of Genetics Division, Deptt. of Paediatrics, AIIMS
10. 4th meeting of the Medical Education Unit was held on 14-07-2011. Topics for integrated class for August/September were finalized.
11. An interactive video conference on Pediatric Solid tumor was held on 23-07-2011 with faculties of St. Jude Children Cancer Hospital, USA. Dr. H. K. Dutta, Assoc. Prof. of Pediatric Surgery organized & moderated the conference locally.
12. A Clinico Pathological conference was held on 18-08-2011 with Dr. Sanjeeb Kakati, Prof. of Medicine & Dr. Ashim Das, Assoc. Professor of Pathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh participated.
13. A talk on awareness program on NABL was also held in the same meeting. Ms. Soma Nath, accreditation officer, Grade-I, NABL from Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India delivered the talk.
14. 5 members of faculties of AMC attended the 5th Basic course workshop in Medical Education Technologies for Medical Teachers organized by the Department of Medical Education, MAMC, New Delhi from 28th to 30th September 2011. Prof. J. J. Kuli, Dr. B. R. Das, Dr. P. Dihingia, Dr. M. Chaliha & Dr. P. Medhi took part from AMC. The training consisted of 18 sessions including lectures & hand on training on various teaching methodologies & learning skills.