It is my proud privilege to be the principal cum Chief Superintendent of Assam Medical College & Hospital the premier and glorious centre of medical education in North East India. Stemming from the John Berry White Medical School- the first medical school in the North East India, this institute has a glorious history of providing quality medical education and health care services thus catering the need of people of upper Assam and other neighboring states of North East India. Established in the year 1900 with the donation of his life time earning of Rs. 50000/- by Dr. John Berry White (MRCS), a British Surgeon of East India Company in the then undivided Lakhimpur district of Assam, this school was upgraded to a full-fledged Medical College the Assam Medical College in the year 1947 and was formally inaugurated by Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi First premiere of Assam on 3rd November 1947. Over the period of more than 7 decades of its glorious existence this institute has not only produced innumerable medical graduates and post graduates but also provided the much-needed nidus for development of other medical colleges of the state. Besides these, the special bond that the students studying in Assam Medical College, share with the members of the faculty should not go without mention. Our students have always been the pride of this esteemed institution and have carried its glory far and wide.
I specially thank them for their love and affection and hope that this will continue for years to come.
Mission and Vision
Assam Medical College & Hospital is committed to –
(i) Provide quality health care facilities which is affordable and accessible to all with State-of-the-Art superspeciality services.
(ii)To start Superspeciality courses (DM/M.Ch.)
(iii) Upgrade itself into a centre of excellence in terms of quality medical education and research.
Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh requires the following staff on purely
temporary basis for the ICMR project entitled "Impact cost-effectiveness, and
sustainability of a synergistic, multipronged, customized, low-cost intervention
package (IP) to reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden among diverse
populations across India" in the department of Community Medicine at Assam
Medical College, Dibrugarh.
Due to unavoidable circumstance, the advertisement notice No. MCH/2024/31253 dtd. 29/11/2024 for engagement of 1 (one) No. of Morturary attendent on purely temporary basis is hereby rescheduled on 12/12/2024 from 11:00 am onward instead of 06/12/2024.
Interested candidate may come with his/her original certificate for appearing in the WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on 12/12/2024 at 11:00 am in the Conference Hall of AMCH, Dibrugarh (1st floor of Administrative Building).
Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the following contractual posts for
ICMR supported project "To study spectrum of Primary Immuno deficiency diseases in
North east India and establishment of diagnostic facility for PID" in the Department of
Pathology at Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh.
Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh requires the following staff on purely temporary basis for an ICMR funded project entitled "Implementation ofAMSP in various tertiary care centres across India" in the Department of Medicine, AMC&H, Dibrugarh.
Applications are invited for a walk-in-interview from eligible candidates for the following posts under the Project "Drug Treatment Clinic" funded by DDAP, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare , Govt. of India.
Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh requires the following staff on purely temporary basis for an
ICMR funded project entitled "Implementation of AMSP in various tertiary care centres across India" in
the Department of Medicine, AMC&H, Dibrugarh.
Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh requires the following staff on purely temporary basis for an
ICMR funded project entitled "To Determine Cause of under child still births in non-eastern region of
India by minimally in vasive tissues sampling (MITS) technique" in the Department of Pediatrics,
AMC&H, Dibrugarh.
As per notification received from SSUHS, Assam vide No. SSUHS/ACA/257/2020/Pt-1/5796 dtd. 01-10-2024, the Induction meeting and Oath taking ceremony of the newly admitted 1st Year MBBS students (2024 batch) which was scheduled to beheld on 14-10-2024 is postponed to 16-10-2024. Hence, the newly admitted students are directed to be present in the Dr. John Berry White College Auditorium of Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh at 08:00 AM on 16-10-2024
Hostel Notice
It is for information to all the newly admitted 1st year MBBS students (2024 batch) of
Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh that the hostel attotment will be done from 14-10-2024
onwards only.
Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh requires the following staff on purely temporary basis for an
DHR funded project entitled "DHR multicentric project" in the Department of Pediatric Surgery,
AMC&H, Dibrugarh.
Interested candidates may submit their resume with a recent passport-sized colored photograph at
the address
Click Here
Photo Gallery